Care Through Weight Loss Surgery—and Beyond
For individuals considering weight loss surgery, The Division of Bariatric Surgery at Westchester Medical Center offers bariatric surgical services, aftercare and post-operative counseling and nutritional planning. Our highly trained team is dedicated to providing the highest level of patient care every step of the way. Our surgeons have decades of combined experience and have performed many types of bariatric surgeries, including sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, duodenal switch and revisions to previous bariatric procedures, including endoscopic revision.
We work closely with our patients to create an individualized treatment and care plan. Our surgical procedures, while certainly important, are just a part of the comprehensive care that we provide to our patients. The foundation of our work lies in providing patients the medically supervised tools and counseling they need to live a fit and healthy life. We offer medical weight loss options, support groups, certified dieticians, healthy recipes and a variety of nutritional supplements and snack products. Our commitment is to changing lives.
Contact Us
Westchester Medical Center
Division of Bariatric Surgery
100 Woods Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Bariatric Surgery Phone: 914.493.6567
WMC Main Phone for General Inquiries: 914.493.7000
Our Email Address:
Advancing Care
Is Bariatric Surgery Safe?
Types of Surgical Bariatric Services
Sleeve Gastrectomy (Restrictive)
The sleeve gastrectomy removes the left side of the stomach, resulting in a new stomach that is roughly the size and shape of a banana. This operation does not involve any "rerouting" or reconnecting the intestines, and is a simpler operation than the gastric bypass or the duodenal switch.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (Restrictive and Malabsorptive)
This most commonly performed and highly successful procedure creates a small stomach pouch and then constructs a "bypass" for the small amount of food which is ingested. The smaller stomach area limits the amount of food that can be ingested and the bypass allows that food to skip parts of the small intestine, reducing the amount of calories and nutrients that are absorbed.
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) (Malabsorptive)
Malabsorptive procedures reduce the size of the stomach, although it remains a bit larger than with other procedures. The stomach pouch created is connected to the lower part of the small intestine, resulting in diminished absorption of calories and nutrients. There are three malabsorptive procedures that our bariatric services team provides: Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, Biliopancreatic Diversion and Extended Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal limits stomach removal to the outer margin and creates a sleeve of stomach. The first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum, is divided so that pancreatic and bile drainage are bypassed.
Revisional Surgery (Laparoscopic and Endoscopic)
Revisional bariatric surgery is available for patients who have already undergone a form of weight loss surgery and have either had complications from such surgery or have not achieved significant weight loss results from the initial procedure.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (Restrictive)
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding restricts food intake by placing a band around the uppermost part of the stomach, resulting in two stomach sections: one small and one large. With the stomach divided into smaller parts, most patients feel full faster. The band used in this procedure is adjustable in the event that the rate of weight loss is not acceptable. Unlike the Roux-en-Y procedure, digestion and intestinal absorption occur normally.
Bariatric Surgery Facilities
WMC is an MBSAQIP Accredited Center (Comprehensive with Adolescent designation) MBSAQIP works to advance safe, high-quality care for bariatric surgical patients through the accreditation of bariatric surgical centers. A bariatric surgical center achieves accreditation following a rigorous review process during which it proves that it can maintain certain physical resources, human resources, and standards of practice. All accredited centers report their outcomes to the MBSAQIP database.
- MBSAQIP Accredited Comprehensive Center with Adolescent Qualifications
- BC/BS Center of Distinction for Bariatrics
- Aetna Institute of Quality for Bariatrics
- United Healthcare Optum Center of Excellence for Bariatrics
- MVP Accreditation for Bariatrics
What sort of evaluations should I expect prior to my scheduled surgery?
In addition to a consultation with your surgeon, you are required to have pre-op specialist appointments with a cardiologist, pulmonologist, nutritionist, and a behavioral health specialist. In some cases, appointments with an endocrinologist and a vascular specialist are required.
Does recovery take a long time?
You should plan on spending about one to two days in the hospital, followed by one to three weeks of recovery at home.
What happens after I have recovered from my surgery?
You will be asked to come in for follow-up visits at:
2 weeks and 5 weeks
- 3, 6, 9 and 12 months
- Two times annually for two years
- Annually for life
Weight loss typically starts happening soon after surgery and continues for 18 months to two years. You may regain a little weight after that time, but very few people gain back all the weight they lost.
We will provide counseling and support to help you learn and maintain healthy eating habits and establish an exercise routine. Your follow-up appointments will be important in helping to keep you on track as well as for monitoring your weight loss.
Are there side effects to weight-loss surgery?
Yes, although many of them are positive ones such as increased energy levels, (especially if you are exercising), decreased fatigue, and sleeping better at night. Consistent exercise will burn calories, build muscle tone, and help you feel better overall.
On the flip side, you may notice excess skin folds and wrinkles where the greatest weight loss has occurred, especially on the face, upper arms, and abdomen. You may want to consider reconstructive surgery to improve your appearance after your weight loss has stabilized.
Do I qualify for bariatric surgery?
According to the American Obesity Association, you may qualify for obesity surgery:
- If you are severely obese (BMI of 40 or more) or have a BMI of 35 to 39.9 with serious medical conditions (such as high blood cholesterol and triglycerides, hypertension, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and other serious cardiopulmonary disorders)
- If you have tried other methods of weight loss (changes in eating, behavior, increased physical activity and/or drug therapy) and are still severely obese
- If you are unable to physically perform routine daily activities (work-related and family functions) and your quality of life is seriously impaired due to the severity of your obesity
- If you understand the procedure, risks of surgery, and effects after surgery
- If you are motivated to making a lifelong behavioral commitment that includes well-balanced eating and physical activity habits which are needed to achieve the best results
What is a healthy weight for me?
CLICK HERE to calculate your BMI to learn more about your current weight.
For candidates planning on having surgery at Westchester Medical Center we are pleased to announce we are now offering a free online webinar.
The 60-minute webinar (90 slides with 20 questions) must be completed in one session. We strongly recommend that you view webinar on a PC. If you attempt to view the webinar on a mobile device, the signal may not be reliable. If the signal is disrupted an “incomplete" report will be generated. Once you have completed the webinar we will receive notification with your information, which will then be forwarded to the program coordinator who will contact you to ask if you would like to make an appointment to see one of the surgeons.
To register for Westchester Medical Center's online webinar:
**A safe and effective care environment is our highest priority, and Westchester Medical Center has undertaken the necessary steps to protect our patients, visitors and workforce as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves. This includes transitioning our bariatric support groups to virtual meetings until further notice.**
Click below link to join the WebEx support group:
Join the WMC Post-Bariatric Surgery Support Group
- The support group is held the third Wednesday of
each month 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
- This
Support Group is exclusively for those patients who have had bariatric surgery. By joining this WebEx, you are agreeing to
engage in sharing your information with others in this support group.

Join the Pre-Op Bariatric Support Group
Contact the program coordinator at 914.347.0162 for dates and times of virtual meetings.
Pre-Op Support Groups will have "panel" discussions of Post-Op Patients available to answer your questions.
Success Stories
Woman Takes Control of Her Health and Changes Her Life Through Weight Loss Journey
Ashutosh Kaul, MBBS
Chief of Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, and Professor of Surgery and Program Director of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship, NY Medical College
- General Surgery
- Surgery, Robotic Surgery
- Surgery, Bariatric Surgery
- General Surgery
- Surgery, Bariatric Surgery
- General Surgery
- Surgery, Bariatric Surgery
- Surgery, Robotic Surgery
- General Surgery
- Surgery, Bariatric Surgery