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Universally accepted as an effective means of detecting breast cancer early, mammography serves as an important tool in the diagnosis and effective treatment of cancer and other breast diseases. Regular mammograms can greatly increase a woman's chances of successfully treating and surviving her condition.

About the Exam

A mammogram is essentially an X-ray examination of your breasts that your physician may use to detect and diagnose breast disease, even if you exhibit no symptoms. Completed in a standing position, each breast is gently compressed between two plates to minimize your exposure to X-rays. The actual X-ray process takes only a few seconds and most women experience little to no discomfort.  All in all, you can expect to be in the procedure area for about 20 minutes.

How it Works

Your mammogram produces black and white images of the breast tissue on a large sheet of film which is "read" or interpreted by one of our experienced radiologists. In some cases, they may consult with other physicians who specialize in breast disease to obtain a second opinion and a more accurate diagnosis.

Radiologists usually use films from prior exams to compare to your new films. Changes can be subtle and difficult to recognize and your previous films may be extremely helpful in detecting cancer or other conditions as early as possible.

You can also contact us at (914) 493-2500

Learn how to prepare for your breast exam...

Accredited by the American College of Radiology