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Shaped Beam Surgery

Shaped Beam Surgery

Westchester Medical Center's Shaped Beam Surgery Center offers the latest in integrated radiosurgery for the brain and body.  The Novalis Shaped Beam technology offers the most precise, advanced, efficient integrated radiation treatment in the world.  This advanced approach to stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy places Westchester Medical Center among an elite class of academic medical centers in the U.S. to provide this technology. 

The Novalis system offers the highest level of precision, accurately targeting only the tumor through computerized field-shaping technology, sparing normal tissue and ultimately reducing toxicity.  This revolutionary new technology is comprised of four state-of-the-art applications in a single integrated system.  Unlike those that are "pieced" together over time, this four-in-one system has the advantage of producing the highest degree of accuracy.  The Shaped Beam Center offers the following applications: stereotactic brain surgery, conventional radiation therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy and body radiosurgery.