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Sexual Assault, Abuse and Victims Empowerment Program (SAAVE)

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SAAVE Program (Sexual Assault, Abuse and Victims Empowerment)

Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Services
for Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence,
Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking,
Harassment, Stalking and Trauma Victims

Free Support Services

Toll-Free Bilingual Crisis Hotline:
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Additional 240 languages available through Westchester Medical Center translation services

Comprehensive services for victims and their significant others are provided regardless of age, race, class, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or physical ability. Compassionate crisis advocates assist speakers in English and Spanish with access to 240 languages provided through our translation services.

SAAVE is committed to:

  • Supporting and empowering victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate-partner violence, human trafficking, harassment, stalking and trauma through free, confidential advocacy.

  • Collaborating with local service providers to develop and strengthen services for victims.

  • Engaging in violence-prevention education and outreach to eradicate victimization. Assisting community and healthcare providers in identifying and responding to victims in a trauma-informed and victim-centered manner.

  • Enhancing the healing process and preventing re-victimization.

Free Support Services

Free Support Services

Toll-Free Bilingual Crisis Hotline:
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Additional 240 languages available through Westchester Medical Center translation services

Crisis Intervention
Advocates are available to listen and offer information to equip those in need with resources to make informed choices about their health and safety.

Safety Planning
Advocates help victims create personalized, practical plans to prepare to act if in danger.

Short- and Long-Term Mental Health Services
Referrals for mental health assistance help victims work through psychological, physical and emotional effects of their situation and regain control of their lives.

Medical Accompaniment and Referrals
Advocates meet victims for medical appointments at hospitals, clinics, and private physician offices to provide emotional support and assistance as victims identify, understand and respond to their health needs.

Legal Accompaniment and Referrals
Advocacy and information are provided to help victims navigate the legal system. Advocates are available to offer emotional support and accompany victims to police departments, appointments with law enforcement, court appearances as well as through college/university Title IX procedures.

Lethality Assessment Program (LAP)
As part of the Westchester County Domestic Violence High Risk Team, SAAVE LAP advocates work with law enforcement to identify domestic violence victims for high danger, providing safety planning and access to follow up advocacy services.

Accompaniment at Westchester Medical Center Emergency Department SANE Exams
Advocates provide accompaniment to SANE Exams – Adult & Pediatric at Westchester Medical Center following sexual assault. The Forensic Acute Care Team (FACT), a group of highly skilled and compassionate nurses and physicians, provide medical and forensic care 24/7.

Crime Victims' Compensation
Advocates assist victims who qualify to receive compensation through the New York State Office of Victim Services for costs related to lost wages, counseling, medical bills and loss of essential personal property. 

Information and Referrals
Advocates connect those in need with supportive programs and victim services.

Community Education

Free Support Services

Toll-Free Bilingual Crisis Hotline:
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Additional 240 languages available through Westchester Medical Center translation services

Educating the community about strategies to prevent and respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, human trafficking, harassment, and stalking is an important component of the SAAVE Program.

Safety and Prevention

SAAVE is committed to education and prevention training. Dedicated staff members are available to conduct presentations and workshops for social service agencies, hospitals, criminal-justice systems, medical providers, educators, school districts, colleges and universities, youth groups and others.

Best Practices for Sexual-Assault Response

SAAVE trains medical professionals, first responders, mental health providers, police officers and the criminal justice community to better understand best practices when responding to and working with sexual assault victims.  SAAVE trains on topics including the neurobiology of trauma and bystander intervention to strengthen and improve services using trauma-informed and victim center care.

To learn more about SAAVE trainings, please call 914.493.3650 or email SAAVE@WMCHealth.org.

Westchester Medical Center's Sexual Assault, Abuse and Victims Empowerment (SAAVE) Program offers supportive, victim-centered, trauma informed advocacy services for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, trafficking, stalking, and all forms of sexual misconduct. These services include a 24/7 bilingual rape crisis hotline, accompaniment for victims through forensic rape exams at Westchester Medical Center, and safety planning with high risk domestic violence victims through the law enforcement Lethality Assessment Program (LAP).

Westchester Medical Center is seeking volunteers to become New York State Department of Health certified SAAVE Victim Advocates. Training is provided and an onboarding process is required. SAAVE training can be completed online and, on the volunteer’s, own timeline; volunteers will need access to a computer and the Internet to access the training.


  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must complete a 30-hour pre-service curriculum, SAAVE onboarding process and Westchester Medical Center volunteer onboarding process
  • Must have access to a computer and Internet to complete training
  • Commit to a year of volunteer service which includes monthly shifts staffing SAAVE’s 24-hour rape crisis hotline, providing accompaniment to victims in WMC Emergency Department or answering Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) calls from law enforcement and conducting safety planning with domestic violence victims
  • Attend on-going monthly continuing education trainings to maintain certification
  • A valid driver’s license and bilingual skills in English and Spanish are a plus
  • If volunteering to accompany victims through sexual assault forensic exams in WMC Emergency Department, must be able to reach the hospital within 45 minutes to 1 hour.

For details on how to volunteer, please call 914.493.3650, email SAAVE@WMCHealth.org or stop by the SAAVE Office on the Westchester Medical Center Valhalla Campus, Macy Pavilion Room 1043.

Bienvenidos al programa de Asaltos sexuales, Abusos, y Empoderamiento de victimas de WMCHealth.

Por favor de hacer clic abajo para más información.